5 Questions to Answer Before Choosing a Photog - Modern Senior & Wedding Photographer Columbia, MO
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Tuesday, March 03
By Kacey D
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When you find yourself at the point in your wedding planning, senior year, or family life that it's time to choose someone to capture these fleeting moments for you, it can be overwhelming. One search for "photographer" in your area can easily bring up hundreds of options, so how do you narrow it down? Answer these five questions, and you'll be on the right track in no time to find the perfect photographer!

1.     What is my budget? 

Yes, it’s the most obvious, but you need to set your budget and have an idea of whether or not the photographer you love can work within your budget. Ask yourself if you are willing to expand your budget to work with this person. Some photographers are willing to set up custom packages to accommodate different budgets, so remember that it doesn’t hurt to ask!

2.     What is my style?

Are you looking for a fresh and airy look? What about a dramatic and bold look? Answering these questions can help you narrow down your search results, and find the perfect person for you. Be sure to look at the entire portfolio! If the majority of the work isn’t what you love, and only one or two images blow your mind, you may need to keep looking.

3.     Do they offer the products I want?

Do you need an album? What about a canvas wrap? Just the disk of images? Knowing what your “must-have’s” are will make the decision process easier on all involved.

Even if you don’t think you need it, you really do need the album! This is the time of digital everything. When was the last time you went and printed that adorable photo you took of your niece? Disks and usb’s will be outdated technology eventually, just like the good ol’ floppy disk. You will always be able to sit down, open your album, enjoy it, and pass it down through generations. Having your pro photographer design, order, and deliver these products will save you time and headaches. Best of all, the products will not disappoint. You can rest assured that if there is a problem with the products, your photographer wants to make it right.

4.     Do I trust them?

Often times, you are entrusting this person to capture once in a lifetime moments. Whether it's a wedding, birth-story, senior portraits, or newborn portraits, this is not only a big investment, but one you can’t replace or replicate.  If you aren’t 100% sure that your moment is in good hands, it’s time to reconsider.

5.     On a scale of 1-10, how excited am I to work with this person?

If you put your photographer at a 3 out of 10, there’s a problem. You don't want to spend 3 hours of senior portraits, or 8 hours of your wedding day working with someone who rubs you the wrong way. You should be able to have fun and relax with your photographer, not matter what situation you are in. Have an in-person meeting for coffee and check out the print products, or skype chat if necessary.


Still have questions about choosing the right photographer? Email me today and let's chat!

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