Dealing with Bad Weather for Senior Photos - Columbia, MO Senior Photography
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Wednesday, March 16
By Kacey D Photography
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Okay, so you know how you're planning your shoot and you expect it to be this beautiful, amazing day and everything's gonna be perfect? Yeah, well, sometimes it's not...

Welcome to Rachael's shoot.

We got up, and we got all dressed, and we're ready to go shoot. We meet and start shooting and it instantly started missing sleeting snow. Of course there was nothing in the forecast that told us it was going to be that way. So there we are, caught completely off guard. It literally went from zero to one hundred. Nobody had any idea that it was coming.

What did we do?

We shot what we could. We shot in this cute little alcove where you can see here. We popped in because it just started to pour and were able to capture some super cute photos. Finally we had to agree that hey, we've got to push this to a new day. We're just not going to get the photos we need to get today because the weather is so unpredictable. Thank you, Missouri.

We rescheduled and met up another day and on our second day of shooting, it was absolutely beautiful. It was the day that you always want for your senior portraits. It was sunny and warm. Not to hot, not too cold. It was perfect. We got to go to a lot of fun locations that we wouldn't have if we only shot in one day because we would have been so rushed because of the rain. The first day we just needed to get through it so fast if we were going to do it. I was glad that we took the time to reschedule and have a nice calm, fun, relaxing, session without it being a crazy panic to get through everything before her hair/clothes or anything like that got wet. I always appreciate my clients who are understanding and willing to say hey, we had no idea this was going to happen. Let's reschedule. Let's make it work. It's always such a blessing to work with people like that.

I am currently booking Class of 2023 seniors so if you have a senior, or if you are a senior and have not booked your session, get in touch as soon as possible. I only accept 35 Seniors each year and right now I've booked over half of those! If you want a specific date, you definitely need to get in touch as soon as possible. Message me any questions or concerns you have and we can get started!