Graduation is upon us, but that also means it is the final leg of track season! Obviously we need to look at Khristen's senior portraits! This shoot was one of the BEST!
First - the pre-shoot prep.... Her mom Karla and I spent some time ironing out the details of her outfits so that we could coordinate them with locations and minimize the pre-shoot stress that accompanies each senior. The other thing that stresses them out: hair and makeup. Luckily Khristen chose to add professional hair and makeup to her session, so she got to spend the hour before we began getting pampered. I swear the stylists are magical creatures, because somehow the looks they create last an entire shoot and longer. I, on the other hand, come out covered and dirt and looking like I walked through the drying portion of the car wash.
I first met Khristen about a year ago when she was on the Model Team. You'll probably remember her from her Dark Queen shoot, which was amazing. If you missed it, click here.
Anyways, since then I have followed her journey to the top of the pole vaulting world in Missouri. It came as no surprise then, when she wanted to work her track and field accomplishments into her shoot. Saying I was pumped would be an understatement.
You might think that because she is such a focused athlete that she maintains that seriousness in all aspects of her life, but that is not the case. Khristen is a bubbly, up-for-anything girl who is the absolute funnest to hang out with. You cannot be around this girl and not have a smile on. We all had a good laugh when she gave me a two-minute lesson on beginner's pole vaulting. Maybe we should call it pre-beginner? Basically it consisted of me looking like a goober hopping and swinging about 4 feet on the pole. I don't see myself progressing very far in the sport. Wah wah....
Even though I don't have a future in the sport, it's safe to say Khristen does. She'll be a Jayhawk next year and continue pushing herself to new heights (literally.) Check out this article about her in the Columbia Tribune! She's definitely having a moment in the spotlight and I couldn't be happier to see such great things happening for her!