FaceTime/Zoom Tips - Photographer Columbia MO
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Wednesday, April 29
By Kacey D Photography
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Girl, that highlight is on point! 

Have you seen the FaceTime Photoshoots we've been doing? I've gotten a ton of questions about lighting and posing, and wanted to share some tips to get you through the next few weeks of social distancing!

Because, let's face it, being on a FaceTime/Zoom call for school is draining. You shouldn't have to deal with the shock of suddenly going to school online AND looking like you opened your camera on selfie mode by accident! Here's a few tips to rock your next call like a BOSS:

  • Position your chair across from a window. (Like you're looking out of it!) Being backlit makes your face dark and harder to see.
  • Put your computer slightly higher. Use a book or set it on a higher desk or counter. This brings the camera higher so you aren't shooting a nice view up your nose!
  • Be sure to sit somewhere that has a simple background. Having your family walking around behind you can distract the people you're talking to and keep them from processing your point.

Have you dreaded getting on your scheduled calls? What struggles have you had trying to work your webcam? Drop your questions below and I'll try to help!