Hunting Senior Photos with Dogs - Photographers in Columbia Missouri
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Friday, January 25
By Kacey D Photography
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Here in Mid Missouri, hunting is kind of a big deal. A lot of the seniors I work with have been hunting with their fathers and grandfathers since they were little, and it is a hobby that holds tons of sentiment for them. Naturally when I find that a senior hunts, we brainstorm ways to work it into the session. Nolan'd family has a gorgeous property just outside of Columbia, complete with wooded acres and tall flowing grass. To put it simply, it is a photographer's dream!


We planned his session so that we could shoot everything we needed in Columbia, then would be able to finish up the shoot on the farm. It was perfect because it meant that we would have plenty of time to do all of the cool shots we'd planned with his bow. When we got there and I saw these two sweet pups, Nolan's mom told me stories of how special they were to the family, and how the kids had grown up with them. I knew that they HAD to be in the portraits with him. We them loose, and naturally they ran right for the pond. We had to laugh because of course that is what they'd do right before we try to photograph them! Ha!


We saved the shots with the pups for the very end and the shots we created are some of my favorites. I love the portraits of them interacting, capturing the love we have for our furry friends.

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