I was completely shocked and pumped to hear that Sam was bringing her mini pig Angel to her senior session! How often will I be able to say that happened? When she got Angel out of the car to take a few shots with I was instantly in love! Look at that face! Ok, ok, back to the topic at hand... Sam's senior portraits!
When Sam arrived to have her hair and makeup done, the skies decided to open up with a full on downpour. I mean the heaviest, lighting and thunder infused storm you can imagine for a day of shooting. At that point there was no going back, so we agreed that we would get what we could and have a second shoot if necessary. Thankfully, the photography gods smiled down on us, and the sun came out right as we were ready to go outside and shoot. It was definitely one those "Ahhh-ahhhh-ahhhh-oohhhhhh-ahhhhh-ahh" angels singing in the clouds moments.
The week of her senior portraits, Sam was scheduled to try out as a college cheerleader. We were so excited to be able to document some of her accomplishments and poses as a cheerleader! Note her awesome scorpion pose! Even though she assured me that this was far from her best one, I was still blown away! There has never been, and likely will never be, a time when I could get my leg to do that. Uh-uh, nope. On a side note, I was so excited to hear later that she made the squad! Whoohoo! Go Sam!