Over the past 5 years, I have enjoyed every minute I've spent shooting beautiful brides and their amazing days. Like every other unmarried lady, I've loved seeing all the details and getting ideas for my future wedding. Well, it happened! My very own Mr. Right proposed to me on Easter, and I was completely blown away.
I always thought that I would be totally composed when I was proposed to. My hair would be perfectly styled, the outfit would be amazing, the shoes to die for. And please don't forget the nails; which obviously had to be painted to perfectly accentuate my ring. Duh.
As it turned out, I was in my standard get up of jeans and a comfy top. Luckily, I fixed my hair and had some make-up on.
The Easter Bunny hasn't been bringing me exciting baskets of candy for quite a few years now, so I was totally shocked when my fiance provided me with a basket full of eggs and a card. He was breathing hard, and me being me, I wanted to know what was wrong. "Why are you breathing all heavy?" I blurted out. Smooth, huh? I proceded to open the card, and he was too impatient to wait. "You're going to want to open that egg, right there," he insists. As my heart starts to flutter, I open the egg to find the perfect ring waiting for me. Ethan took a knee, and said, "I may not be sure of many things in this life, but I'm sure of you. Will you marry me?"
I cried. And cried. And cried. All day. Every time we told someone or showed off the ring, I cried. I was a total hot mess; puffy eyes, red nose, hair everywhere. Not quite the composed image I had imagined, but it was perfect.

Now, as all the craziness of planning a wedding ensues, I have a special bond with these lovely ladies I am shooting engagement sessions and weddings for. It's so much fun to share our stories of choosing venues, wrangling fiances, and finding The Dress. So, in celebration, I am going to do a giveaway! One free engagement session (with all digital images), because being engaged is such an exciting time. It's madness, excitement, and stress, but it's the prequel to the rest of your lives together. A fleeting time that should be celebrated and enjoyed!
Here's what you have to do to enter:
1. Comment on this post. - Tell me when your big day is!
2. Share this post on Facebook.
That's it! Easy peezy. I will be drawing the winner from a hat on June 2, 2014.